Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Incision vs. Excision of Hemorrhoids

Question: Please explain the difference between codes 46083 and 46320. The definitions of both codes seem to mean the same thing. We do a lot of incision and drainage (I&D) for thrombosed hemorrhoids and need to know how this should be coded.

Delaware Subscriber

Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at the box below for the answer.

Answer: Code 46083 (incision of thrombosed hemorrhoid, external) is for an incision, in which a puncture is made in the hemorrhoid and the blood is allowed to drain, relieving pressure, says Susan Callaway-Stradley, CPC, CCS-P, an independent coding and reimbursement specialist and educator based in North Augusta, S.C. Code 46320 (enucleation or excision of external thrombotic hemorrhoid) describes excision or enucleation, in which the thrombosed area is cut out completely, much like excision of a cyst or tumor. If you are doing I&D, you should use 46083.

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